Thursday, September 5, 2024

Friday Face OFF 9/6/24


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Hi Everyone! It feels like it has been a long week. Mr. M. is taking it day by day.
Thank you for all of the support and well wishes. You don't know how much it means to us.
I started a face this week and am not quite finished with it. The eyes, and neck areas have to be completed and I only have one layer of shading. I have drawn this girl before. I love how her mouth lays.

It's been a witchy kind of day with AI. It is that time of year. Ohhh I forgot, it's that time of year for me all year long. LOL
abstract 3D  old  witch  with wrinkles wearing black clothes with a short top had sitting in a chair in a witches room with a fire in the fireplace and a cauldron. A black cat is on the table with candles and herbs . Image 1 of 4
abstract 3D  old crone  in white clothes  sitting in a chair in a witches room with a fire in the fireplace and a cauldron. A black cat is on the table with candles and herbs

abstract 3D  middle age witch in black clothes flying across the night sky with a full moon. A black cat sitting on the broom with ravens flying around

Last week or so Mr. M. took me shopping. More like looking. The older I get (72) the less shopping I like to do, however, I did find a new mug, a sign for my sales and art room and of course a few skulls. All very, very inexpensive!

Now it's time to see a few features.

Don't forget to link up with Gillena for 

That's it for me. Now it's your turn to show me your face.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

FFO 8/29/24 the dark side


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I have been so upset that we don't have a surgery date for Mr. M. So, he took me out to Coos Bay to do a bit of shopping. I can't tell you what he bought for me. I will next week. When we returned home I called the doctor's office. I hit the wrong button on the prompt and got billing. What a nice lady, she looked at everything and told me to hold on. It was a long time and then there was a ring and another very nice lady answered. It was the surgery nurse. She apologized for the delay and said she has Mr. M. set for, are you sitting down? Oct. 10. MY heart dropped into my toes. We discussed the cancer and how time sensitive it is. To make this long story shorter she has us number 1 if anyone cancels and is sending a note to the doctor about the time issue. My prayer now is that the cancer doesn't break through the uterer and spreads through his body and for someone to cancel. We have a date though.
On to something more pleasing, I hope. LOL
I could not get a decent photo of this face. It is so much better than the photo. :)I noticed that her throat is quite large. I will have to fix that.
I'm finding that the concentration of making AI takes my mind away from things. So here is what I have been doing.
You can click on the photo to see the great detail.











OK, don't get freaked out. You know I have a dark side that just has to come out at times. AI allows me this. LOL!
Now it's time for features.
I forgot to remind all of you last week to be sure to join up with Gillena. Show off your art with her Art For Fun Friday
A note to all who join in. Please remember to leave comments to all the players. Sometimes you may have to come back to see who signed in late. Everyone, loves comments, and this allows us to know each other, view different types of art, and to see what we are all doing.
Thank you.
Well, that seems to be it for me. Now it's your turn to show me your face!
Wishing everyone an art filled week.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Friday Face OFF 8/23/24


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
I'm sure you have heard the expression, "going out of my mind"
Well, that's me. I'm trying to be calm around Mr. M. because he is already upset and not feeling well at all. In my Saturday post I mentioned that we had a televisit with the surgeon on Friday. He said surgery would be set up this week. I called yesterday to find out what is going on. OMFG!!!! The surgical staff is trying to figure out how to get the dr to do all of his surgeries and regular appts. Hmmm there is this thing called triage. There are too many people for the doctors we do have here, and staff that just don't know what they are doing. It has been 6 months since we first found out Mr. M. has cancer. The last scan he had took over a month to get. Please pray that the cancer stays contained within the uterer. If it breaks through Mr. M. will not have a chance. That is a gruesome ending but true.
Thank you for all of the support from all of you.

Now here is something you can laugh at. Yes, it is hair. LOL The dreaded hair. She did have creepy hair but not this creepy. LOL
I do like her face though.
Some AI this week.
abstract 3D woman with dark blue skin and white squiggly lines on face. hair that looks like a frizzy cattail
abstract 3D women faces with lines and holes and dents pastel colors and black hair that looks like dandelion flower
abstract 3D women faces with lines. black holes on the face. pastel colors and black hair that looks like  fuzzy black hair with spikes and sea urchins
abstract fantasy woman face with pale blue  skin with holes in it. Medusa hair drips of water black smokey windy dust in the background
 Now for some features.

That's it for today, now it's your turn to show me your face

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Spoke to the surgeon.

 Hi Everyone!

Mr. M. had a televisit with the surgeon yesterday. I wrote down questions to ask, the first one, what kind of cancer is it. Answer, transitional cell carcinoma. Mike didn't has what stage but when the dr pulled up one of the scans we could see that the tumor encompasses almost the entire uterer. At this point it has not broken through the uterer witch is good because the dr said this is an aggressive cancer. Mr. M. will be in hospital 4 or 5 days. After the kidney and uterer are removed. He will be on a catheter for a week to allow the bladder to heal and possibly temporary dialysis. 

The surgery nurse will call us next week to set up the surgery. Really? We couldn't have do it yesterday? 

Anyway that is where we are. 

Thanks to all of you for your support, well wishes and prayers. 


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Friday Face OFF 8/16/24


 Welcome To Friday Face OFF (FFO)

This is the place to show off your faces or your face. Post any type of face from any medium. You can create it, or find it in nature, or even that face in the design of you 
woodwork in your house. 
Human, animal, alien, or monster. 
Mr. M. had his profusion scan on Monday. It shows that his right kidney is only working about 23% and the left kidney is picking up the rest. Spoke to the nephrologist yesterday and he is hoping that when the R kidney is removed that the left will stay the same or get better. If not, if it goes below a certain number Mr. M. will be looking at dialysis. 
We speak to the surgeon Friday late afternoon, and hopefully get a date for surgery. I will let you know in a post on Saturday.
Keep those prayers, blessings, spells, and good wishes coming please. 

Now for FFO.
I did have time to draw while I waited for Mr. M. was getting scanned. The scan took 2 hours.

My AI, the witchy side
3 old witch women with worn out black pointy hat dancing around a fire with a cauldron over the fire with bones and herbs in it. The woods for background with real flying bats, raven and black cat. Image 4 of 4
abstract 3D old women in witches dress in the woods dancing around a fire with a cauldron that has bones and herbs sticking out of it. Bats are flying and a black cat sits by the fire
abstract 3D 3 old witches in the woods dancing around a fire with a cauldron that has bones and herbs sticking out of it. Bats are flying and a black cat sits by the fire
old witch woman with worn out black pointy hat standing at a fire with a cauldron stirring herbs  in an old witch cabin.  On the table are skulls potions candles a a black cat potions in bottles and herbs hanging
This one came from FB
Can't wait for Halloween, the day. I have been in 2 different stores that already have Halloween decorations out. OK, I love the scary month of Oct., but decorations in August?
Now for the features.
Please, don't forget to link up with Gillena.

That's it for today. Now it's your time to show me your face.